RC3 Long Night of Research
Session Directory
Official Opening Ceremony
Thursday 23 March, 2023
1:00pm - 1:45pm CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
RC3 Steering Committee
From Ambition to Action - What is research, and how can it make a difference in volunteering actions and practices?
De l’ambition à l’action - Qu’est-ce que la recherche et comment peut-elle faire une différence sur les actions et les pratiques bénévoles ?
De la ambición a la acción - ¿Qué es la investigación y cómo puede marcar la diferencia en las acciones y prácticas de voluntariado?
Mr. Xavier Castellanos, Under Secretary General for National Society Development and Operations Coordination of the IFRC
Ms. Virginie Troit, Executive Director of the French Red Cross Foundation and Member of the Red Cross Red Crescent Research Consortium Steering Committee
Mr. Omar Abou-Samra, Director of the Global Disaster Preparedness Center and Member of the Red Cross Red Crescent Research Consortium Steering Committee
Ms. Michelle Shi Jie Chew, Volunteer Chairperson of the Malaysian Red Crescent National Youth Council and Member of the IFRC Youth Commission
Mrs. Margarita Griffith, Knowledge sharing coordinator at IFRC
Covid-19 et Volontariat au sein du Mouvement CRCR/Covid-19 and Volunteerism across the RCRC Movement
Thursday 23 March, 2023
2:00pm - 3:15pm CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
French Red Cross Foundation (FRCF)
On sait peu de choses sur l’implication des volontaires dans une réponse à une épidémie, contrairement à d’autres contextes d’urgence plus étudiés tels que les conflits armés ou les catastrophes. Alors que certaines études ont démontré l’efficacité de l’action bénévole pour soutenir les interventions de riposte aux épidémies, d’autres ont mis en évidence les facteurs institutionnels, sociaux et psychologiques qui affectent le bien-être des personnes impliquées, ainsi que les facteurs associés à la résilience et à l’épuisement post-événement. Cette table ronde invite les scientifiques et les praticiens à partager leurs réflexions et leurs résultats de recherche sur les avantages et les défis de la participation des bénévoles à la réponse à l’épidémie de Covid-19 dans l’ensemble du mouvement du CRCR.
Little is known on volunteers’ involvement in an epidemic response, unlike other more studied emergency contexts such as armed conflicts or disasters. While some studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of volunteer action in supporting epidemic response interventions, others have highlighted the institutional, social and psychological factors that affect the well-being of those involved, as well as factors associated with resilience and post-event burnout. This roundtable invites scientists and practitioners to share reflections and research results on the benefits and challenges of volunteers’ involvement in the Covid-19 epidemic response across the RCRC movement.​
Dr. Hamed Seddighi (Iranian Red Crescent Society & University of Groningen), Dr. Annabelle Jaccard (Paris Diderot University), Dr. Khoudia Sow (Regional Center for Research and Training in Care of Dakar & French National Research Institute for Sustainable Development), Prof. Dan Elisabeth Ferrand-Bechmann (University of Paris 8 Vincennes-Saint-Denis)
Ms. Virginie Troit & Dr. Vincent Léger (French Red Cross Foundation)
Watch the recording: English French
From research to implementation - The case of the new volunteer & membership management system of the Kenya Red Cross Society
Thursday 23 March, 2023
3:30pm - 4:15pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
Kenya Red Cross Society
The Volunteer and Membership Management program of the Kenya Red Cross seeks to strengthen the engagement structures and interaction of our programs implemented through an integrated approach of developing the Volunteer and Membership Management System (VMMS). This system has an interface that allows volunteers and administrators to interact with the system from a desktop and through a mobile application, a link to a dissemination module, levels of administrative rights that allow review and approval of volunteers and members data upon completion of a prerequisite learning module, analysis of data and visualization. Our execution strategy incorporates proven methodologies, extremely qualified personnel, and a highly responsive approach to managing deliverables. This session will present the history, functionnalities, strenghts and challenges of this program.
Ms. Zipporah Kerubo (Kenya Red Cross Society), Mr. Abdulkadir Mohamud (Kenya Red Cross Society) and Mr. Njenga Kelvin (Kenya Red Cross Society)
Les bénévoles comme moteurs de recherche: comment les bénévoles peuvent participer aux différentes étapes de la recherche / Volunteers as Research Drivers: examples of how volunteers can be involved in the different stages of research
Thursday 23 March, 2023
3:30pm - 4:15pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
French Red Cross Foundation (FRCF) and Centre for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBaP)
Dans cette session, nous illustrerons comment les volontaires peuvent être impliqués dans les différentes étapes d’un projet de recherche en présentant un certain nombre d’exemples et en particulier le projet « Bénévolab » de la Fondation Croix-Rouge française et la « Volunteer Review » du Centre for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBaP) de la Croix-Rouge Belge qui consistent tous deux à demander aux volontaires de la Croix-Rouge de formuler et de soumettre des questions de recherche pour un projet de recherche. De plus, deux projets seront présentés où des bénévoles participent à la collecte de données. La présentation sera suivie d’une discussion avec l’auditoire sur les obstacles et leviers à la participation des bénévoles à la recherche.
In this session we will illustrate how volunteers can be involved in the different stages of a research project through presenting a number of examples and especially the “Bénévolab” project of the French Red Cross Foundation and the “volunteers' review” of the Centre for Evidence-Based Practice (CEBaP) of the Belgian Red Cross which both consist in asking Red Cross volunteers to formulate and submit research questions for an evidence review. In addition, two projects will be presented where volunteers are involved in data collection. The presentation will be followed by a discussion with the audience about barriers and facilitators on involving volunteers in research.
Innovative and Participatory Approaches to Volunteering Research: Learning from the Refugee Youth Volunteering Uganda Project
Thursday 23 March, 2023
5:00pm - 5:45pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
Northumbria University
This session will focus on the use of participatory methodologies in volunteering research and how it can enhance strategies for learning from volunteers’ lived experiences. Evidence from the RYVU project, a research project developed in partnership with the Uganda Red Cross Society, challenges existing thinking about who volunteers are, why they do it, and the impacts it has, particularly on the ways young refugees use volunteering to build their lives and livelihoods. The project’s photovoice strategy and interactive games will be presented to open up conversations not only about ‘what’ is being researched, but also ‘how’ volunteering studies can be conducted in innovative ways.
Prof. Matt Baillie Smith (Northumbria University), Dr. Bianca Fadel (Northumbria University) and Dr. Moses Okech (Makerere University)
Impact of Covid-19 on volunteerism in the Caribbean
Thursday 23 March, 2023
5:00pm - 5:45pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
Red Cross Caribbean Disaster Risk Management (CADRIM)
The national societies in the Caribbean rely on a wide cadre of volunteers to assist with preparedness and response before and after a disaster. More specifically, volunteers are vital in restoring family links, helping with the distribution of cash vouchers, conducting damage analysis and needs assessments (DANA) and evacuating communities when necessary. However, due to the onset of COVID-19, two years ago in 2020, the way in which volunteers are engaged has changed. Existing volunteer opportunities themselves have been affected by the pandemic due to social distancing, lockdowns, and other restrictions, enforced by the governments, that hindered volunteers from performing their responsibilities. It is hoped that the information gathered in the case study can be used to reform how volunteering is done, especially through the creation of opportunities through virtual volunteering. This session will highlight the findings of a case study conducted in St. Vincent and the Grenadines and Suriname.
Ms. Vanita Redoy (CADRIM, IFRC), Ms. Julia Simmons (St. Vincent and the Grenadines Red Cross Society), Ms. Ketura Stapleton (St. Vincent and the Grenadines Red Cross Society)
Facets of engagement in the context of crises and disasters
Thursday 23 March, 2023
6:00pm - 6:45pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
German Red Cross
Whether the flood disaster in the German Ahr valley, the Covid-19 pandemic, or the war of aggression against Ukraine, it became clear from all these scenarios that professional emergency forces alone can no longer cope with the multitude, length and psychosocial factors of emergency situations. The need for a planned deployment of unaffiliated volunteers to support the professional civil protection structures in the event of a crisis is becoming increasingly visible. With this in mind, the workshop will focus on the emerging diverse forms of engagement in German population protection. In a collaborative reflection, we will discuss how to deal not only with traditional volunteerism, but also with new forms of engagement that have already been used in various emergency scenarios. On the one hand, the workshop will thus focus on the diversity and versatility of flexible engagement. On the other hand, it will discuss psychosocial support in emergencies as an example of traditional volunteerism in the GRC, which is needed by all helpers in crisis situations.
Ms. Laura Aßmann (German Red Cross), Ms. Eva Steinberger (German Red Cross) and Ms. Tessa Bodynek (German Red Cross)
Academic Volunteerism across the RCRC Movement - Roundtable
Thursday 23 March, 2023
6:00pm - 7:15pm CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
Canadian Red Cross and 510, the data & digital initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross
In collaboration with 510, the Canadian Red Cross is hosting a panel session focused on sharing lessons learned from academic volunteerism efforts at the Canadian Red Cross with case presentation of national societies academic volunteerism initiatives. The panel session will include representatives from three different national societies to present notable examples of academic volunteerism.
NB: it is advised that attendees attend both this Roundtable and the following Workshop – these are linked sessions that build on each other.
Dr. Salim Sohani (Canadian Red Cross), Dr. Faiza Rab (Canadian Red Cross), Dr. Ahmad Firas Khalid (Canadian Red Cross & York University), Ms. Farwa Arshad (Canadian Red Cross), Mr. Bhola Ghimire (Nepal Red Cross Society), Dr. Corina Makodimitraki (510) and Dr. Marc Van den Homberg (510)
Academic Volunteerism across the RCRC movement - Workshop
Thursday 23 March, 2023
7:30pm - 8:15pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
Canadian Red Cross and 510, the data & digital initiative of the Netherlands Red Cross
The workshop will focus on providing practical application tips of building academic volunteerism in national societies. Participants will break into smaller groups to come up with a list of recommendations that leverage the facilitators and address the barriers to incorporating academic volunteerism efforts into other national societies and how to adapt, sustain, and scale-up efforts. This workshop will also provide an opportunity to network with other agents of change within the wider Red Cross Movement.
NB: it is advised that attendees attend both this Workshop and the previous Roundtable – these are linked sessions that build on each other.
Dr. Faiza Rab (Canadian Red Cross), Dr. Ahmad Firas Khalid (Canadian Red Cross & York University), Dr. Mekdes Assefa (Canadian Red Cross), Dr. Corina Makodimitraki (510) and Dr. Marc Van den Homberg (510)
Estudios de línea base y Análisis sobre voluntariado en la Región de las Américas / Baseline Studies and research on volunteering in the Americas Region
Thursday 23 March, 2023
7:30pm - 8:15pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
IFRC Interamerican Centre for Volunteering Development (ICVD)
Desde 2014, el Estudio de Línea Base anual sobre Voluntariado y Juventud en las Américas ha recopilado información vital sobre el estado del voluntariado en las Sociedades Nacionales de las Américas. En esta sesión, discutimos los hallazgos más actualizados del estudio. Esta sesión servirá para presentar oficialmente el último Análisis de Voluntariado y Desarrollo Juvenil en la Región de las Américas, que se basa en los Estudios de Línea Base desde 2017 hasta 2021.
Since 2014, the annual Baseline Study on Volunteering and Youth in the Americas has collected vital information about the state of volunteering across the National Societies in the Americas. In this session, we discuss the most updated findings of the study. This session will serve to present officially the newest Analysis of Volunteering and Youth Development In the Americas Region, which Is based on the Baseline Studies from 2017 till 2021.
Mr. Andres Morales (ICVD), Ms. Nisha Latchman (ICVD) and Ms. Luciana Escobar (ICVD)​
Watch the recording in English
Protecting volunteers during conflicts and emergencies: The role of the ViCE Hub
Thursday 23 March, 2023
9:30pm - 10:15pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
IFRC Global Volunteering Alliance Technical Team on Volunteering in dangerous situations
Volunteers are key humanitarian actors in conflicts and emergencies. Around 15 millions of local Red Cross and Red Crescent volunteers carry out local Movement activities. At least one million of these volunteers are active in volatile and dangerous situations. While these and other local volunteers are critical for humanitarian aid, they also ensure essential access to some of the hardest-to-reach areas. Organising volunteering in such situations is a demanding task for National Societies. The workshop will focus on the 13 standards of safety, security and well-being of volunteers. These standards describe the essential elements of principled, accountable, and high-quality volunteer management that safeguard and care for the volunteer’s safety, security and well-being. How does your National Society measure up?
Mr. Jacob Ingelgren (Swedish Red Cross) and Mr. Armel Komena (Swedish Red Cross)
Motivating and engaging volunteers with MOTI / Motiver et engager les bénévoles avec MOTI
Thursday 23 March, 2023
10:15pm - 11:15pm CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
IFRC Global Volunteering Alliance Technical Team on Motivation of Volunteers
Self Determination theory posits that volunteers will be more engaged, motivated and energetic if three of their basic psychological needs are met: autonomy, belonging and competence. The Moti team collected data from over 3500 respondents from various national societies. We discuss key results and recommend targeted actions to improve volunteer motivation and wellbeing through (1) enhanced leadership training at all levels, and (2) regular monitoring of motivational outcomes including mental wellbeing among NS staff and volunteers.
La théorie de l’autodétermination postule que les volontaires seront plus engagés, motivés et énergiques si trois de leurs besoins psychologiques fondamentaux sont satisfaits : l’autonomie, l’appartenance et la compétence. L’équipe Moti a recueilli des données auprès de plus de 3500 répondants de sociétés nationales. Nous discutons des principaux résultats et recommandons des mesures ciblées pour améliorer la motivation et le bien-être des bénévoles grâce à (1) une formation améliorée en leadership à tous les niveaux et (2) une surveillance régulière des résultats motivants, y compris le bien-être mental du personnel et des bénévoles.
Ms. Carine Fleury Bique (Swiss Red Cross), Dr. Gabriel Pictet (IFRC), and Mr. Salam Salloum (Labanese Red Cross)
English (Q&A possible in English, French, Arabic & Spanish)
Volunteers’ Wellbeing & Supporting supervision for volunteers
Thursday 23 March, 2023
11:30pm - 00:45am CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support
This panel discussion will showcase the Integrated Model for Supervision (IMS), which was developed using a participatory research approach. The session will showcase the Ukrainian Red Cross, who participated in the piloting of the IMS, as well as research findings of the impact of supportive supervision in emergency humanitarian contexts. Supervision is considered integral to quality mental health and psychosocial support (MHPSS) interventions and features as a key recommendation in all major international guidelines. Despite this, provision of supervision remains a gap within MHPSS programming. Research suggests that supportive supervision is associated with improvements in knowledge and reductions in secondary traumatic stress and burnout. Supervision, therefore, is an integral component of supporting the wellbeing and capacity of staff and volunteers in the Red Cross Red Crescent Movement. Using a participatory approach, the IFRC Reference Centre for Psychosocial Support and Trinity Centre for Global Health and Trinity College Dublin have developed the IMS, a collection of guidance and tools to support organisations to integrate supportive supervision to promote the emotional well-being, skill development, and intervention fidelity of staff and volunteers engaged in MHPSS activities, across sectors. The IMS reflects input from a range of stakeholders, ensuring a user-centered design. The IMS was piloted within 4 organizations in Afghanistan, Nigeria, Jordan, and Ukraine. It has further been tested in Ethiopia and in the near future, Bangladesh. Its impact was assessed using a mixed-methods design, measuring changes in burnout, secondary traumatic stress, knowledge, and confidence regarding supervision practices post-IMS training, and key informant interviews to assess the acceptability, appropriateness, and feasibility of the IMS. Results from research have found that the IMS project has led to increased organisational support for supervision; evidenced by increases in protected time for supervision, use of supervision contracts, and increases in monitoring and evaluation practices.
Ms. Kelly McBride (IFRC PS Centre), Dr. Meg Ryan (Trinity College Dublin), Dr. Nadeen Abujaber (Trinity College Dublin), Ms. Anna Didenko (Ukrainian Red Cross) and Ms. Kateryna Krkyklia (Ukrainian Red Cross)
De la investigación a la implementación - El caso del Marco de Desarrollo del Voluntariado en las Américas / From Research to Implementation - The case of the Volunteering Development Framework in the Americas
Friday 24 March, 2023
1:00am - 1:45am CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
IFRC Interamerican Centre for Volunteering Development (ICVD)
Sobre la base de los resultados de los Estudios de Línea de Base sobre el Voluntariado, el Marco de Desarrollo del Voluntariado (VODFRA) es un método basado en la evidencia a través del cual las Sociedades Nacionales pueden organizar el desarrollo del voluntariado en toda la región de las Américas. En esta sesión, las Sociedades Nacionales explicarán su experiencia con la aplicación de VODFRA y sus componentes.
Based on the findings of the Baseline Studies on Volunteering, the Volunteering Development Framework (VODFRA) is an evidence-based method through which National Societies can organize volunteering development across the region of the Americas. In this session, National Societies will explain their experience with the implementation of VODFRA and its components.
Mr. Andres Morales (ICVD), Ms. Haylink Mosquera (Panamanian Red Cross), Mr. Manuel Isaula (Honduras Red Cross) and Ms. Julieta Lino (Argentina Red Cross)​
Spanish (English Translation provided)
From research to implementation – Reimagining volunteering in New Zealand
Friday 24 March, 2023
2:00am - 2:45am CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
New Zealand Red Cross
New Zealand Red Cross has started a journey towards achieving its Strategy 2030. This involves a commitment to reimagining volunteering to reflect the Red Cross Fundamental Principles, Aotearoa, New Zealand’s diverse and changing society and how people want to engage with us. To attract and engage a diverse New Zealand Red Cross membership, we embarked on a research journey to discover more. We researched what volunteers want and hope for the future and what inspires and motivates people of all ages, experiences and backgrounds. Today, we are beginning to bridge the gap between theory and practice, strategy and tactics. We are now ready to leverage the learnings of the 2021 Reimagining Volunteering Research Report and the 2020 Youth Engagement Strategy and Research Report. The learnings are now starting to come to life. We have firmly embedded vital learnings in our Realising 2030 decisions and the development of our recently relaunched website experience, as a first round of actions. Join us for a session outlining the learnings of our research and for a Q&A and discussion on the challenges and opportunities around implementing research-informed decision-making processes.
Ms. Fiona Ross (New Zealand Red Cross), Ms. Anna Laine (New Zealand Red Cross), Mr. Kurt Solomon (New Zealand Red Cross) and Mr. Charlie Eggleton​ (Volunteer, formerly New Zealand Red Cross)
Engaging Volunteers in Migration Research
Friday 24 March, 2023
3:00am - 4:15am CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
Red Cross Red Crescent Global Migration Lab
Based on the experiences of and lessons learned from the RCRC Global Migration Lab’s comparative research projects on migration, this session will explore opportunities and challenges in utilizing a volunteer-based model to undertake research on migration. With speakers from the Lab and National Societies involved in the Lab’s migration research, frontline examples will be shared alongside key lessons learned in supporting and engaging volunteers to conduct research related to migration. The session will reflect on how the Lab and National Societies have responded to challenges in migration research – such as outreach to mobile populations, building volunteer research capacity, potential bias in data collection, etc. Join us for an interactive session and collective reflection on how we can harness the strength of our volunteer network to conduct research on migration.
Mr. Carlos Torres (Cruz Roja Hondureña), Mr. Felipe Hernandez Diaz (Cruz Roja Argentina), Ms. Jenny Gillett (Australia Red Cross), Ms. Magdalena Aria Cubas (Red Cross Red Crescent Global Migration Lab), Ms. Sanushka Mudaliar (Red Cross Red Crescent Global Migration Lab)
English & Spanish (Translation provided)
New Forms of Volunteering and Digital Transformation of Volunteering
Friday 24 March, 2023
5:00am - 6:15am CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
IFRC Interamerican Centre for Volunteering Development (ICVD)
In this session, we will learn about new forms of volunteering such as digital volunteering, spontaneous volunteering, micro volunteering, online campaigning, and corporate volunteering which are being incorporated by National Societies. Participants will explore the impact of digital transformation on the evolution of volunteerism and how the RCRC movement could embrace these new tendencies.
En esta sesión, aprenderemos sobre nuevas formas de voluntariado, como el voluntariado digital, el voluntariado espontáneo, el microvoluntariado, las campañas en línea y el voluntariado corporativo que están siendo incorporadas por las Sociedades Nacionales. Los participantes explorarán el impacto de la transformación digital en la evolución del voluntariado y cómo el movimiento RCRC podría adoptar estas nuevas tendencias.
Mr. Andres Morales (ICVD), Mr. Félix Castañeda (Guatemala Red Cross) and Ms. María José Cornejo (Ecuadorean Red Cross)​
English & Spanish (Translation provided)
Volunteering Management – regional perspectives
Friday 24 March, 2023
6:30am - 7:45am CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
Turkish Red Crescent Academy
Volunteering management refers to the processes for recruitment, training, engagement, and coordination of volunteers. Given its nature with multiple dimensions, it requires tailor-made and systematic efforts.
This session aims to shed light on contemporary trends in volunteering management.
The main issues that will be elaborated on during the session are:
The rights and responsibilities of NGOs towards their volunteers
The key global, regional and local trends in volunteering management
The role of digital technologies in volunteering management
Volunteering management and training
Ms. Zipporah Kerubo (Kenya Red Cross Society), Ms. Havva Nur Demir (Turkish Red Crescent), Dr. Adem Baspinar (Kirklareli University) and Mr. Tiago Costa (Portuguese Red Cross)
Mr. Selman Salim Kesgin
Volunteer Data Management Systems
Friday 24 March, 2023
8:00am - 8:45am CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
IFRC Global Volunteering Alliance Technical Team on Volunteer Data Management
What is a Volunteer Data Management System (VDMS) under your perspective? What should it do? Do you have a VDMS in your National Society? What does it consist of? Would you like to network with colleagues facing similar challenges? Feel free to share your ideas, challenges and lessons learned around the topic of VDMS in this webinar.
Mr. Ferran Cobertera (Spanish Red Cross), Mr. Paul Remic (British Red Cross) and Ms. Lotte Egerton-Hobbins (British Red Cross)
Looking ahead: understanding future needs and conditions for volunteerism in disaster management and search and rescue
Friday 24 March, 2023
8:00am - 8:45am CET
Session Type:
Interactive Workshop
Hosted by:
Norwegian Red Cross
In Norway, several organisations in the voluntary sector carry out emergency preparedness work and health and social services, including the Red Cross. Volunteers play a number of roles, from search and rescue and supplementary ambulance services during normal times, to providing psychosocial support, helping run evacuation centres, and supporting fire services during extreme events. In Norway, various events are changing the landscape of emergency preparedness and response, including government reform, changes in how Norwegian volunteer, climate change and an aging population. These changes are affecting the need for disaster management and search and rescue volunteers, the expectations they face, and the ability of the Red Cross to recruit and retain them. It also raises questions surrounding the need for health-related and other expertise. In collaboration with the Norwegian Institute for Social Research, NorCross have undertaken a research project to improve our understanding of future crisis scenarios, resource demands and preparedness needs within Norway. The views and experiences of various actors within the field of crisis and disaster management have been captured utilising a range of qualitative and quantitative methods, including documentary analysis, interviews, surveys and scenario construction. This workshop will outline the research process and illustrate how the mixed methods approach was harnessed to gain a comprehensive understanding of the research problem. In addition, the main findings of the research will be discussed along with how they have been translated to practice to develop adaptations in the Red Cross' emergency preparedness and organisational work.
Mr. Andreas Karmhus (Norwegian Red Cross) and Ms. Vibeke Wøien Hansen (ISF / Institutt for samfunnsforskning)
An unexpected alliance: why humanitarians should be building partnerships with companies and academia & how to achieve that
Friday 24 March, 2023
9:00am - 10:15am CET
Session Type:
Tackling current humanitarian challenges is a reason to create strong and transdisciplinary partnerships. Achieving this is not a straightforward task and each context has slightly different recipes for success. The speakers in this session will describe in short elevator pitches from their own unique perspective how they forged partnerships between the humanitarian, private and academic sectors. After these pitches, the floor will open to discuss with the audience, you, how you could build similar partnerships within your Red Cross Red Crescent National Society. Do you want to get inspired? Then sign up for this session.
Dr. Makoala Marake (National University of Lesotho), Mr. Robert Monné (Analytics for a Better World), Dr. Fiona Terry (ICRC Centre for Operational Research and Experience), Ms. Céline White (PIROI) and Dr. Marc van den Homberg (510).
From Research to Policy Development – IFRC Volunteering Policy
Friday 24 March, 2023
10:30am - 11:15am CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
IFRC Secretariat
The purpose of this session will be to introduce the new IFRC Volunteering policy, recently adopted by the IFRC General Assembly, with a focus on the study carried out in partnership with Northumbria University on the implementation of the 2011 IFRC Volunteering Policy by National Societies. The new IFRC Volunteering Policy is based on broad consultations carried out with National Societies staff in charge of volunteering development and volunteers themselves, through the Volunteering Alliance. The session will highlight how evidence based research can inform the development of a policy that is fit for purpose, addressing needs of the IFRC Network on volunteering development.
Prof. Matt Baillie Smith (Northumbria University), Dr. Bianca Fadel (Northumbria University), Mr. Adjmal Dulloo (IFRC), Ms. Carine Fleury Bique (Swiss Red Cross) and Ms. Louise Baumann (French Red Cross Foundation)
Official Closing Ceremony
Friday 24 March, 2023
11:30am - 12:30pm CET
Session Type:
Hosted by:
RC3 Steering Committee
Concluding remarks.
Dr. Asha Mohammed, Secretary General of the Kenya Red Cross Society​
Mr. Diego Tipping, President of the Argentine Red Cross
Mr. Philippe Da Costa, President of the French Red Cross
Ms. Vicki Mau, Co-Chair of the Movement’s Migration Leadership Group & Director of Australian Programs, Australian Red Cross
Mr. Frank Mohrhauer, Director, National Society Development Services, IFRC
Ms. Joyce Kofi (IFRC) and Ms. Virginie Troit (RC3)​